Elisabeth-Selbert-Str. 7, Munich, 80939


Local Exchanges

ExchangeRegion continentCountry codeStatsNetworks
DE-CIX Munich
Europe DE Stats 176


Peer nameASNLooking glassIRR AS-SET TypeTrafficRatioScopeUnicastMulticastIP v6
euNetworks Group
13237 https://lg.eunetworks.com/ AS-EUNETWORKS NSP Balanced Europe
Global Access Internet Services
15960 RIPE::AS-GLOBALACCESS Cable/DSL/ISP 1-5Gbps Mostly Outbound Europe
Opteamax GmbH
48200 https://lg.opteamax.net/ AS-OPTEAMAX NSP 10-20Gbps Balanced Global
InterNetX GmbH
15456 AS-INTERNETX NSP 5-10Gbps Mostly Outbound Europe
Net-D-Sign GmbH
57537 AS-NETDSIGN NSP 1-5Gbps Balanced Europe
Genesis Cloud
209045 AS209045:AS-ALL Enterprise 5-10Gbps Mostly Inbound Europe
BitPoint AG
20791 NSP 100-1000Mbps Balanced Not Disclosed
Freie Netze Muenchen e.V.
212567 AS-FNMUC Non-Profit 1-5Gbps Balanced Europe

Peering data source: https://www.peeringdb.com/fac/1863

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