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Article | Kickstart Europe looks back on successful edition after two years online-only

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Digital Gateway to Europe
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On March 14 & 15 the Kickstart Europe conference took place after two years of uncertainty and a rescheduled edition. Despite all this, the conference looks back on a successful edition with the highest number of visitors since the start of the conference 5 years ago! Since 2018 the conference has become one of the most important strategy and networking events for the European data center, cloud and connectivity market. 

After a long period of only online meetings and conferences, it was high time for a return to spontaneous conversations, new encounters and valuable discussions! And it showed in the over 1200 registrations!

International Audience

The conference attracted a large number of international visitors. In total, nearly 1,000 industry experts attended the conference of which almost half were of international origin. The audience came from the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Norway, Finland and Poland, among others. But the conference also attracted visitors from outside Europe (from the US and even Ghana and the United Arab Emirates).

A record number of meetings

One of the key elements of the event is networking. To facilitate this, the conference uses the meeting tool Conversation Starter which made it possible to schedule “speed dates” prior to the event. This year, as many as 1,700 meetings were scheduled and took place during the conference!

“It’s great to see that even after a year’s absence due to the pandemic, there is undiminished enthusiasm to come together as an industry and look ahead to a new year. It is clearer than ever that our digital infrastructure and resilience is of great importance to our economy, and that makes it important to share experiences and innovations and to discuss and grow together in a future-proof way.” Speaks Stijn Grove, Managing Director Dutch Data Center Association and founder of Kickstart Europe. 

European Outlook Report

Each year Kickstart Europe traditionally publishes the European Outlook Report at its conference. This year’s edition contains an outlook on the data center, cloud and connectivity market. These outlooks are given by Kickstart partner CBRE and by independent research agency Pb7. In addition, the report contains expert interviews as well as a calendar of key events for the year 2022. The report can