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Dutch data centers offer unique look behind the scenes during National Data Center Day

Name company:
Dutch Datacenter Association
DDA lo

Amsterdam, 02-05-2023 — Data centers have a large impact on our daily life as  everyone uses various online services and social media every day. But how exactly does a data center operate? These questions and more will be answered during the National Data Center Day (June 13), an initiative by the Dutch Data Center Association (DDA). On this day, people can take a unique look ‘behind the internet’.

There are data centers in every region of the Netherlands where hundreds of computer servers process and transmit data, from photos that are stored in the cloud, online bank transactions or self-scan checkouts at the supermarket. Inside these data centers, many people work every day of the week to make sure all the servers are secured and “on” 24/7. However, the world of data centers is still unknown to many people. Therefore, on Tuesday June 13, data centers throughout the Netherlands will open their doors to the public.

Data centers and its societal relevance 

During this day, everyone can see in person what goes on inside a data center. Due to the strict security in and around the buildings, data centers can not be visited every day. Nevertheless, it is important that society is given the opportunity to know more about data centers and the digital infrastructure. This ensures that more and more people know that everyday services such as gaming, streaming movies and online banking would not be possible without data centers.

Ninth edition

Stijn Grove, managing director of the Dutch Data Center Association (DDA), is already looking forward to the open day: “This year is the ninth edition of the National Data Center Day. It is a great opportunity for our participants to show people the importance of the role and influence of data centers within our society and for our sustainable economy. This way every visitor can really see how many people are involved within our sector.”

Join the National Data Center Day

Do you want more information about the participating data centers in your local area? Take a look at the website and sign up through one of the data centers!

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Note to editors

About Dutch Data Center Association:

The Dutch Data Center Association unites leading data centers in the Netherlands in a common mission: the strengthening of economic growth and the profiling of the data center sector to government, media and society.


For inquiries about this press release, please contact:


Stijn Grove

Managing Director


T: +31 20 3037860


Zoë Derksen

Manager Marketing, PR & Events


T: +31 20 3037860


Pim Kokke

Marketing & PR


T: +31 20 3037860