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Morocco leads in the African data center market

Morocco is one of the main players in the African data center market, which is attracting more and more investors.

This is evident from a report by the Competition Council, which is cited by the Moroccan weekly La Vie Eco. Data centers are facilities where large amounts of data are stored and processed. They are essential for the digital economy and the development of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing.

According to the report, Morocco has 21 data centers that meet international Tier standards, which measure the reliability and security of infrastructure. This puts the country at the top of the rankings in Africa, followed by South Africa (19), Egypt (15) and Nigeria (13). Tunisia and Algeria each have only one data center with Tier certification.

The Moroccan market is dominated by four players: Medasys, N+one, Maroc Télecom and Inwi. Together they hold more than 84 percent of the market share. Medasys is the market leader with a turnover of 102 million dirhams (approximately 9.5 million euros) in 2021.

The data center market is growing rapidly in Africa. The expected revenues for the sector are 559.8 million dollars (approximately 475 million euros) in 2023 and could rise to 668.7 million dollars (approximately 568 million euros) in 2027. That is an average annual growth of 4.54 percent . Investments would also increase by 6.33 percent between 2021 and 2026 to $328 million (approximately €279 million).

The interest in data centers is so great that some investors speak of a "new El Dorado". Morocco has a number of assets to conquer this market, such as its geographical location, its political stability and its cheap electricity.