
Innovation Quarter

Innovation Quarter Netherlands


Netherlands, Den Haag, Pr. Margrietplantsoen 32, 2595 BR

Netherlands, Den Haag
Dutch Data Center Association (DDA)
Area Development, Promotion Agencies

InnovationQuarter is the economic development agency for the province of South-Holland. It’s mission is to strengthen the regional economy. InnovationQuarter has three main tasks; we finance innovative and fastgrowing companies, assist in the establishment of their company in our region, and we organize collaborations between companies, knowledge institutes and government. In this way, and in close cooperation with the business community, we want to strengthen the position of South-Holland as one of the most innovative regions in Europe.

We see great potential for data centers in South-Holland, due to both power and plot availability. the main routes from Amsterdam to Paris and Frankfurt all cross Rotterdam, and ensure an even lower latency to the IXes in those cities. In close cooperation with the government, both at provincial and municipality level, we actively support the growth of the data center market in South-Holland. The Province supports this by working towards an environmental vision which includes an active residual heat proposition. This provides an ideal environment for a resilience cluster setup as is currently being developed by The NeXt Delta program and has been adopted by REOS an operational program set up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations.

InnovationQuarter has a dedicated team in place to facilitate you in finding suitable locations and facilities for setting-up or expanding your business in our region. We are ready to support you with our (confidential and free of charge) services, knowhow and networks.

• As regional development organisation, our role lies primarily in bringing together all relevant parties in the realisation process of data centers



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