Category: Data Center Management

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Data center managemennis the collection of tasks performed by those responsible for managing ongoing operation of a data center. This includes Business service management and planning for the future.
Historically, data center management was seen as something performed by employees, with the help of tools collectively called Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) tools. Now an outsourcing option exists: Data Center Management As A Service – DMaaS.
Both for in-house operation and outsourcing, Service-level agreements must be managed to ensure data-availability.

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9 November 2021 - Data Center Management
Report | Vertiv Edge Archetypes 2.0 Deployment-Ready Edge Infrastructure Models
Summary From The physical infrastructure is key in any edge computing strategy. The power, cooling, and enclosure equipment, as well as the compute it supports, provides the foundation on which applications can run and enables countless edge use cases. Making the right physical infrastructure choice is even more important at the edge given that […]
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